
NodeJS system to queue, batch, and process.

Progress Updates

You can setup a progress function to get called to inform your users how the processing is going.

function start () {
    await qbp(items, (...args) => each(...args), {
        progress: (...args) => progressUpdate(...args)

function progressUpdate (update) {
    var {
        total, // Total number of items that have been added to the queue
        complete, // Number of items have completed the queue.
        queued, // Number of items currently in the queue.
        percent, // Percentage of completion.
        threads, // Number of threads currently running.
        itemsPerSecond, // Average rate of items per second since the last time a progress update was sent.
        secondsRemaining, // An estimate of how many seconds are left based on itemsPerSecond. This will be -1 if there is no current estimate.
        batch, // The current batch size. (See Batching section below)
        dateTime, // Date object for when this was sent out.
        statuses, // The statuses of items being processed (see Item Statuses section below)
        queue // The queue object
    } = update

With this configuration the progress function will be called basically everytime there is a change. But if you would rather just get updates on a regular interval, you can set the progressInterval option.

await qbp(items, (...args) => each(...args), {
    progress: (...args) => progressUpdate(...args),
    progressInterval: 5000

This will have the progress function called every 5 seconds. It will also be called when the queue is empty regardless of the interval.

Progress Updates Example