
NodeJS system to queue, batch, and process.


I found myself nesting queues whenever I needed to loop through multiple arrays. So I added a mix function to help with this. Here’s what I was doing.

// Honestly, I'm not sure how you would effeciently cap threads on this.
await qbp(teachers, (teacher) => {
    await qbp(classRooms, (classRoom) => {
        await qbp(students, (student) => {
            await addStudent(teacher, classRoom, student);

async function addStudent(teacher, classRoom, student) {
    // No one likes to nest stuff.

So instead, now we can use the qbp.mix() function.

// Now we can definitely cap the threads if we want.
await qbp.mix([teachers, classRooms, students], (...args) => addStudent(...args), { threads: 5 });

async function addStudent(teacher, classRoom, student, { queue }) {
    // The parameters mirror the same order you gave them to qbp.